Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I hope you are excited!

Hey all! Whether you are already on the team, prospective runner or supporting your runner in the team I welcome you to this great experience. For those of you who have already participated in a run like this then I am sure you already know how fun this type of adventure is going to be. But for those of you that this will be your first time get ready to be tired, worn out, sore, and most of all be ready to have a great time and meet some new people.


  1. You guys are all gay! Enjoy running 8000 miles while I lay on my couch and eat! I may die earlier, but at least I will die happy with a diet pepsi in my hand watching cheers! Or if I am lucky I could die doing something else, but that depends on Tammi, if you know what I mean!(-: So in summary, you are all stupid, this running thing is stupid, and your team name is stupid!

  2. Dear Carter,
    I think Tammi would rather die than do that...(if you know what I mean):) Maybe you could be kind enough to come to our race, stand at the side lines and throw us chips along the way. Don't you think that would be kind!

  3. It would be kinder for me to be at home and calling you all stupid!
