Van One Justin Leilani Tammi Dix 1 Dix 2 Charla Van Two Jerry Mariam Mckay Shanette Keri Norm What do you think of the teams? (Sorry Dix 1 and Dix 2 still do not know your names, will figure that out soon!)
I don't know anyone except Norm our "team" but that's OK. We will get to know each other soon. Are we going to have a team meeting or "get to know you" get together? Also...I don't have a van but I do have a truck with a camper shell....I would be willing to use it as the second vehicle....just throwin' that out there. Let me know...this "elderly man" is a little anal himself and likes to have the plan in place long before the event.
I don't know anyone except Norm our "team" but that's OK. We will get to know each other soon. Are we going to have a team meeting or "get to know you" get together? Also...I don't have a van but I do have a truck with a camper shell....I would be willing to use it as the second vehicle....just throwin' that out there. Let me know...this "elderly man" is a little anal himself and likes to have the plan in place long before the event.